Friday 1 September 2017

The Mighty Quasar


QSO or Quasi-stellar objects, commonly known as quasars are one of the most magnificent celestial bodies! They have a supermassive black hole, a solar system sized whirlpool of super-heated plasma that shines brighter than an entire galaxy and jets of near light-speed particles that fill the universe with giant radio plumes. It’s no wonder it attracts so many astronomers and cosmologists!

A Quasar

A Quasar as Wikipedia defines is an active galactic nucleus of very high luminosity. A Quasar consists of a supermassive black hole surrounded by an orbiting accretion disk of gas. As gas in the accretion disk falls towards the black hole, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

This must be a complex definition to understand at this stage. So, here I come.

To understand it more, we have to take a look at its history first.

In the 1950s, when the first radio telescopes pointed to the sky they noticed a fat blob of radio signals. But the telescopes back then had a very low spatial resolution. Thus, the source could not be located. It was only in 1963 that astronomers had a chance. In an event known as a lunar occultation, (If the moon happens to cross the line of sight to a source, the source is said to be occulted. The drop in intensity of a radio source as it is blocked by the moon and the rise when the moon has moved out of its way gives an accurate indication of when it was occulted and, since the position of the moon in the sky is accurately known, it is possible to have an accurate estimate of the direction to the radio source.) the moon passed in front of one of these brightest of radio blobs. The Parkes radio telescope in Australia was trained for it. The timing of occultation allowed astronomers to identify a tiny star-like point of bluish light as the source of radio emission. The astronomers observed this “star” and split the observed light into a spectrum. The spectrum looked nothing like the spectrum of stars ever observed. One thing to be noted was that the spectrum was red-shifted, which meant that the wavelength of this light stretched out, as it travelled through the expanding universe. That meant the quasar discovered (named 3C 273) was very far away, about two billion light-years, to gain the red-shift observed. Yet, to be as bright as it was observed after travelling so long a distance meant the object that the light came from was emitting many galaxies worth of light from a seemingly impossible small region of space.


One more factor that contributed to the estimation of a quasar’s size was the fact that many quasars exhibit rapid variation in their light and radio output. This fact places a limit on their physical size; for, if an object exhibits variability on a characteristic time scale T, its size must be limited by cT, where c is the speed of light. This limitation arises from the special relativistic result that no physical disturbance can propagate with a speed greater than c.

This made quasars very compact. A quasar may emit comparable energy to that of a galaxy per unit time from a volume whose linear extent may be only a few light hours!

This huge amount of energy from a seemingly small region in space invited several hypotheses. Some claimed the light was coming from a swarm of neutron stars. Some proposed possibility of an advanced alien civilization harnessing their entire galaxy’s power. But it was only in the 1980s when the most satisfying explanation came.

For a quasar to form, we need a black hole of mass millions to billions of times the mass of our sun. And every decent-sized galaxy has one such black hole at its core including our Milky Way!

So, what happens when this black hole decides to feed?

A swarm of gases is driven into a galactic core, which may happen when galaxies merge and grow. So, this swarm of gases approaches the attracting black hole at incredible speeds. It is swept up into a raging whirlpool around the black hole which we call an accretion disk. Here, the energy of the motion of these gases is turned into heat. The heat glow of the accretion disk travels to the ends of the universe. Some gas is swallowed, causing the black hole to grow. However, a lot of it does not make it to the event horizon. Some are converted directly into energy and radiated as light and this same light drives powerful wind of gas back out into the surrounding galaxy. In some cases, for reasons, we fully don’t understand some of that gas can also be paralleled and channelled into jets that erupt from the poles of the quasar. This might be due to the magnetic field of a rapidly growing black hole.

The exact appearance of this phenomenon depends largely on our viewing angle. When the jets are perpendicular to our view, we see a radio galaxy.

Radio Galaxy Hercules A

If they are at an angle, we see a quasar and when staring right down the barrel of the jet we see a blazer.


These are the same objects viewed from three different angles.

Each burst of quasar activity in a given galaxy probably lasts for only ten million years or so but is enough for making considerable changes in the entire galaxy.

Our Milky Way Galaxy has such a black hole at its core. It might have been roaring in the past but is silent now. Perhaps, in a few billion years, when it will collide with its closest neighbour, the Andromeda Galaxy and their cores will merge it will roar again, reminding The universe of its existence…

Collision scenario for Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy Encounter

So, that was all about the enigmatic quasar for now – the brightest and one of the most beautiful phenomena of the Universe. <3

Thanks for reading!

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